Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Understanding Your Android Phone - Series

Android has been in market for quite a few years now. It was initially Android Inc which was backed up financially by Google and later purchased in 2005. Android was unveiled in 2007 along with the founding of the Open Handset Alliance: a consortium of hardwaresoftware, and telecommunication companies devoted to advancing open standards for mobile devices. The first Android-powered phone was sold in October 2008, much more of this information can be found on Wiki, I am not going to cover the jargon here, Why?

A lot of people I know who were Nokia, Symbian, Blackberry & Iphone users have started moving to Android. The problem is, the day they receive their first Android phone it’s like first day at School and people get dis-oriented. I have been an Android buff for quite some time and it becomes really annoying explaining every single feature of an Android Phone. Even for a seasoned Mobile user of Blackberry or Iphone, getting a hang of Android takes a while. This blog is dedicated to those new late comers to Android World, who have decided to own an Android Phone but have no clue how to use it.

Let’s take an example of my dad, he is 70, he was quite happy with his Nokia Flip Phone for ages. Primary objective was Call, Text Messages and between waits play the snake game, up till recently most of my cousins and relatives have been chatting non-stop on WhatsApp, calls on Skype / Viber and he finds himself left out from all the fun, gossip & news. More over there are more games that my 6yrs old daughter downloads and plays with then the b/w Snake game he plays on his old phone.

I know most of the newbie’s like my dad, or non gizmo interested house wives may have by now Google  Android to understand what is all the hype about. Let’s face it, Google by entering Smartphone market with its Android Platform has revolutionized how we work with our phones or rather what our phones CAN do for us. As per Wiki Android had a worldwide Smartphone market share of 75% during the third quarter of 2012, with 500 million devices activated in total and 1.3 million activation's per day.

Having said that, this blog will explain you all you need to know about Android in a layman language rather than using Technical Jargon’s, to help you enjoy and reap the benefit of purchasing your new Android Phone.

Welcome to the Android World…!!

Stay Tuned……

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